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James 1

Writer's picture: Claire  Lane Claire Lane

Updated: Jan 15

As we read the book of James he talks about practical applications we can do through our walk in Christ. Go grab your bible, a highlighter and pen and whatever else you use to study the word. Let's take a look at James.

James 1:2-4

Speaks about trials and that they are to be rejoiced in as it brings endurance for spiritual maturity and inner peace. If God gave us everything without any trials would we need him? We find ourselves turning to God more when there is an issue in our life or something bad has happened, but the key moments are finding Gods joy in every circumstance. Maturing our spirit to know that God is a good God, that he has not left us but is with us in everything we do. When we have Gods inner peace and God dwells in us there is no room for fear or anxiety. We have a blanket of security and purpose and know that whatever is thrown at us God holds the victory. This is so we lack in nothing and completely develop in faith in Christ and what he did on the cross.


James 1:5

James says any who lacks wisdom, meaning those who are not on solid food with Christ but is still early in their walk with Christ, are to seek God, and ASK. The key word is ASK. If we do not ask we do not receive from God. How can a loving father give you all he has for you if we do not ask, it would be like walking up to a ice cream van or stand and seeing all the flavours in front of you but instead of asking for that flavour you stand and watch the ice cream melt. God will grant us what we ask and when we do not know by wisdom God will always guide us. The more we read the word the more we will know Gods wisdom and have discernment. We must ask in FAITH without DOUBT and be expectant to see Gods will be done for we know what the blood of Christ has paid for.


James 1:12

The Lord has promised the crown of life for all who love him, blessed and happy is the man who is steadfast in trials and perseveres. We do not give up on God or Christ or the Holy Spirit because trials come our way instead we should be going deeper into Christ for we live eternally with him no matter what!

James 1:13

God cannot be tempted by evil, the enemy can only copy what God has done so he tries to lure us in with temptations of our own hearts desires. This is the carnal mind, our fleshly desires and wants. This can be all kinds of things, things that are small or big. Temptation does not originate from God but from ourselves. This is why we must die to ourselves daily, for when temptation rises in us, it begins to conceive and is birthed into sin and ultimately leads to death, which is separation from God.

James 1:22-24

James gives us instructions on how to act and what to do in this passage, he says "Don't deceive yourselves by only hearing what the Word says, but do it! For whoever hears the Word but doesn't do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror, who looks at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like". (CJB Version).

Who do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you see someone who is doing the actions of Christ or do you see someone who is still living in the world and going after their own desires?

It is up to us to receive Gods word in the correct way, we need to truly reflect and die to ourselves, that means putting all our desires to death and being like Christ and acting like Christ and walking with Christ. Meeting with him regularly, reading his word, praying for yourself and others, teaching others the good news, sharing the gospel. How many of us can truly say we are on fire for God and are truly walking in the right way?

I pray that this bible study has given you some food for thought and I recommend spending some time with God on this Chapter and verses and really mediate on it and listen and seek to what God is saying to you today!

God Bless You xx


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