There are so many things in the world that tell us what a "woman" should be but what is the biblical meaning of being a woman and what is our true purpose that God created us for?

God led me to watch a teaching about being a woman of God and has given me insight and revelation into his word since doing so. The conference was held at Encounter Church in South Africa and is ran by Pastor Leon Du Preez (link will be below to watch on youtube).
Lets explore this vital topic together...
First we must look at Genesis 1 & 2 both extracts are taken from the Complete Jewish Bible.
Genesis 1

Each verse highlighted in yellow is telling us how God saw that it was good every time he created. In verse 26 it says:
"26 Then God said, “Let us make humankind in our image, in the likeness of ourselves; and let them rule over the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the animals, and over all the earth, and over every crawling creature that crawls on the earth.” 27 So God created humankind in his own image; in the image of God he created him: male and female he created them."
God created man in the image of God and then declared to let "them" rule and take dominion. Not man on his own or woman on her own but together.
Genesis 2

Now the verses above show that God made man a helper. Adam could not find a helper in the garden. God had created all animals male and female so he created them in the image and likeness of God, because you stick to your own kind male and female and be in our own roles and positions and purpose. When we step outside of that we cannot operate or function.
One of the words in Hebrew is Ezer עוֹזֵר meaning HELPER or lifesaver.
We need to establish that this helper is the helper of the home. For we a KING MAKERS. We are called to be King Makers to make our husbands a King.
When you look back in history a lot of Kings were influenced by their wives or mothers it is because the woman is to build and encourage and support their husband, their king. It is said that the bible states 19 times that God is our helper but only once is the woman referred to as helper.
When you walk in your TRUE purpose it will not matter how your husband responds, what they say or what they do because it will not effect you. God created HIM (man) in his own image that is why he is the head of the family and the covering. Then he created THEM (male & female) to have dominion. TOGETHER! There is a special reason why woman was made from mans rib. It is because the rib is close to the heart and protects the heart.
God knew that there would be a day when they would eat from the tree so God had to tell them not to eat from the tree. Adam gave Eve instructions from God not to eat from the tree because God told Adam and Adam told Eve. Eve interpreted that if they were to eat or touch the fruit that they would die. Eve had insight, because she had knowledge she would die but she did not know that they would be spiritually cut off from God or be naked if they ate from the tree, this is revelation. Eve only had knowledge and not revelation, we get revelation when we spend time and have a relationship with God. When we are connected to God we are in HIS purpose but we can only do it when we have a relationship with God.
Proverbs 31

In this scripture we see a number of things and throughout Proverbs it tells us what a woman of God is and her purpose. The gracious woman gets honor, she is a woman of favor, she has core and insight and plans for the future. She is a woman of strength and dignity and has laughter and joy in her heart. She is a woman of war, virtuous and valiant with kindness and creativity. The woman helps for it is ordained by God. We are to encourage and support, to lift up and build up our Kings. We are a woman of wealth and prosperity, having the characteristics of God for this is who we are in Christ. We have wisdom and influence, teachings of kindness and the ability to do so. We have power, to be submissive to our husbands meaning to respect and listen and take on board his teachings and advise and we are to be blessed and praised.

Husband = The head of the marriage - analytical
Wife = Heart of the marriage - Everything flows from her, you can either give life or death. We are made from the rib because it is close to the heart.
It is important that in a marriage a man is in his masculine role and the woman is in her feminine role, otherwise the relationship will not function the way God ordained and intended it to be.
What is being in your feminine?

When we have these feminine traits and are openly showing them to our spouse, the man will freely love in his masculine trait and both will then be in their purpose and position and can work together in order to move forward.
Take some time to reflect and see if these traits are something you currently have now or need to work on. God has shown me there is a lot I need to work on but the way to do that is to spend time with him, to rest in his presence, to pray for myself, my husband and our marriage and to be centered and focused on CHRIST and Christ alone!
Leon Du Preez - Restore your Grace - Womans Conference 2023 ;ink below